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Like the Taoist Farmer story, the story of the Empty Boat is often used by Executive Coaches to help their clients gain perspective.
Here’s a short version of the story:
A fisherman is on the water ...
The most significant undertakings at work and in society depend on teams of people working together effectively. Oddly, organizations largely leave effective teamwork to chance.
My colleague and frie...
I had been staying with my mom for a month, nursing her 98-year-old body back to a relative state of health after a downturn.
I am not sure what really happened prior to me getting there, but I think...
When individuals, teams, and entire organizations lose their moorings, the need for focus and leadership is greater than ever. This Covid-19 crisis is clearly one of those times.
So what can you do ...
As the joke goes, it is not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop.
Hundreds of thousands of virtual teams have formed, almost overnight.
From a team effectiveness standpoint, the key challe...
At some point in their careers, the good leaders discover inside themselves what Jack Welch calls a "generosity gene." When the traits of that continue the metaphor...manifest, leaders start...
Coaching continues to increase in popularity in corporations. There are multiple reasons, but the bottom line is that there continues to be a big need for skill development for people in leadership p...
Your first day in a new leadership postion is often filled with activities you might not get much say about. There is usually a benefits sign up with HR and a company orientation meeting. Your boss ma...
A few years ago, I served as the Strength & Conditioning coach for a youth travel hockey team. To prepare, I reached out to some experts to get some guidance on working with a group of teenaged boys w...
I co-wrote this post with Sue Heilbronner, co-founder of Merge Lane, a VC fund that invests in companies with at least one female senior leader. You can read the post on her site at: https://www.suehe...
Many years ago, before I had much experience with facilitation, I remember reading an article on effective facilitation techniques. I have forgotten the whole thing except for the guidance on how to ...
I recently taught my Influence at Work class. The content is built around a simple model: focus on and bring out your position, focus on and help bring out the other's position, and focus on strengt
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