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"The Facilitator" is Not HR. It's Not Even a Single Person. It's a Role. culture leadership: managing yourself the "me" in meetings

Meetings are often more effective when there is a skilled facilitator present to keep things on track, holdup the mirror, create a safe space, etc.

Unfortunately, few meetings have one.

Many have a ...

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A Pithy Culture Article Worth Reading culture

When it comes to articles about corporate culture, I like to think I am “discerning,” but “critical” is probably more accurate. I find most articles about corporate culture somewhere between pabulum a...

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Revisioning Six Sigma's Legacy through the Lens of Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Delivering the punchline before telling the joke is a terrible strategy for standup comedians. But as an approach to writing, it has its merits.

Here is the point of this article: Six Sigma was the s...

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A Rejoinder to HBR's Recent Blog on Starting a New Job and the Role of Culture culture first 100 days / career

The Harvard Business Review published a blog post with some advice about what to do in your First 100 Days. The blog was entitled When you Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of Company ...

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Perks and Popularity Aren't Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The New Yorker recently had an article about corporate culture:

One of the key points of the article was...

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Facilitation, Fascism, and the Avoidance of Actual and Metaphorical Fatalities culture leadership: developing others/building teams

Many years ago, before I had much experience with facilitation, I remember reading an article on effective facilitation techniques.  I have forgotten the whole thing except for the guidance on how to ...

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Women in Leadership: Not Just Long Overdue…In the Nick of Time. culture leadership: developing others/building teams

I recently saw Dr. Ed Schein speak at the South Bay Organizational Development Network meeting. Dr. Schein is professor emeritus from MIT and the one who practically invented OD process consultation. ...

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The Fifth Discipline, Prima Donnas and Seeing the Same Game culture leadership: developing others/building teams leadership: managing yourself

Almost 25 years ago, one of the best-selling management books of all time was released: Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. I know I was in the minority, but to be honest, I was not a big fan of the

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Zen and the Art of Culture Change culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes
How do you get the ship out of the bottle? No ship. No bottle. No problem.

~Sensei William Gleason~

I recently attended Human Synergistics’ 2nd Annual Ultimate Culture Conference in San Francisco.

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Jiffy Lube OD culture leadership: creating the strategic context

The OD toolbox is full of incredibly useful techniques for improving how organizations function. There are 360 surveys, conflict resolution strategies, team-building approaches from personality survey...

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Wells Fargo and the Avalanche culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The recent story about the fraud committed by Wells Fargo employees caught my eye.

According to the story over 2MM unauthorized credit card transactions and openings of checking and savings accounts ...

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