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Psychological Safety Took Our Eye Off the Talent Ball leadership: delivering operational outcomes leadership: developing others/building teams

This is the fourth in series about psychological safety and team effectiveness.

Here is the overview, where I outline this series and make the claim the over-rotation towards psychological safety for...

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Save That Regular Schedule of One-on-One's for the B-Ball Court? leadership: delivering operational outcomes

I like to begin coaching work with new clients exploring a couple tangible aspects of how they're leading.

I first check to see if they can state a clear, compelling "preferred future" they are saili...

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More/Better Leader Teachers: Organizations' Role leadership: delivering operational outcomes leadership: developing others/building teams

All companies have leaders.

What is less obvious is that all companies also have a "leadership system." 

That system is either repeatably developing and producing quality leaders or it's leadership ...

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The Dangers of Driving Change without Understanding Existing Traditions first 100 days / career leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Someone who is familiar with my First Hundred Days program sent me this HBR executive transition case study. The leader who was coming on board was told by her boss to “do whatever it takes to turn th...

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Managing the ‘Institutional No’: Can the Monty Hall and Wild Problems Perspectives Help? leadership: creating the strategic context leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The purpose of this article is to provide some ways of thinking about a common organizational challenge:  do you stay focused on existing priorities, or do you pursue a promising new idea when it come...

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Lousy Meetings are a "System" Problem leadership: delivering operational outcomes the "me" in meetings

Many of the meetings the people in your company are in are laughably inefficient and ineffective.

The good news, if there is any, is that this article has nothing to do with meeting best practices.  ...

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Revisioning Six Sigma's Legacy through the Lens of Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Delivering the punchline before telling the joke is a terrible strategy for standup comedians. But as an approach to writing, it has its merits.

Here is the point of this article: Six Sigma was the s...

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Perks and Popularity Aren't Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The New Yorker recently had an article about corporate culture:

One of the key points of the article was...

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Zen and the Art of Culture Change culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes
How do you get the ship out of the bottle? No ship. No bottle. No problem.

~Sensei William Gleason~

I recently attended Human Synergistics’ 2nd Annual Ultimate Culture Conference in San Francisco.

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Deming Not DiMaggio leadership: delivering operational outcomes managing call centers

Call Center quality is abysmal.  And it has been for the entire forty years the call center industry has been in existence.  We can make cars with near perfect quality, but after 40 years, call cent

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Wells Fargo and the Avalanche culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The recent story about the fraud committed by Wells Fargo employees caught my eye.

According to the story over 2MM unauthorized credit card transactions and openings of checking and savings accounts ...

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